WordPress.com Vs WordPress.org


  • Don’t feel overwhelmed by all this info as there are details on how and where to register a domain name and set up a hosting account in the Resources section at the end of this course
  • The difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org is:
    • WordPress.com provides an extremely quick and easy way of getting up and running, it provides free hosting and automatic updates at the cost of having a limited set of themes and plugins to choose from and a very limited degree of customisation. You also need to pay for additional services such as having a bespoke domain name, increasing disk storage or removing advertising
    • WordPress.org is where you download WordPress for installation on your own server and where you can find all the documentation for it. Self-hosting WordPress allows for complete control over every element of your website/blog with no restrictions on themes or plugins, and is the preferred route forward for a serious website/blog
  • You can always start off with a WordPress.com account and move it to a self-hosted alternative when you’re ready, although there will be a small cost involved in doing this